Call for Paper – IBEFA Annual Meeting at the 2023 ASSA Conference
The International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) will hold its next Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, in conjunction with the Annual Allied Social Science Associations Conference, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, January 6–8, 2023.

The International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) will hold its next Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, in conjunction with the Annual Allied Social Science Associations Conference, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, January 6–8, 2023. Members and non-members are equally encouraged to submit papers.
Submission Deadline: March 25, 2022
We encourage the submission of papers on topics including (but not limited to) financial intermediation inside or outside of the regulated sector; securitization and shadow banking; financial risk measurement and management; financial stability and macroprudential policies, including climate risks; payments systems; household finance; financial market structure and regulation; central banking; and financial innovation.
Completed papers should be submitted electronically by Friday, March 25, 2022.
To submit a paper, please begin by registering at the conference planning website (HTTPS://WWW.CONFTOOL.PRO/IBEFA-ASSA2023/). This link can also be reached via the heading “Call for Papers – ASSA” at the IBEFA website (HTTPS://WWW.IBEFA.ORG/). Enter all requested contact information for all authors. If you experience any submission difficulty, please contact Niki Maas (IBEFA.CONFERENCES@GMAIL.COM).
There is a submission fee of US$50 dollars per paper, except for papers solely authored by students who are charged a fee of US$25. Authors of accepted papers must also register to attend the ASSA annual meeting, as ASSA charges a separate conference registration fee for all attendees.
For information about the ASSA winter meeting, see HTTP://WWW.AEAWEB.ORG/.
Jens Christensen
Program Chair
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Scientific Committee:
Martin Andreasen (Aarhus University), Georgia Bush (Bank of Mexico), Luis Ceballos (University of San Diego), Stefania D’Amico (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), John C. Driscoll (Federal Reserve Board), Peter Feldhütter (Copenhagen Business School), José Fillat (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston), Jean-Sébastien Fontaine (Bank of Canada), Andreas Fuster (EPFL & Swiss Finance Institute), Juan Angel García (European Central Bank), Eleonora Granziera (Norges Bank), Sarah Mouabbi (European Central Bank), Fernanda Nechio (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco), Benoît Nguyen (Banque de France), Lars Norden (Getulio Vargas Foundation), Ali Ozdagli (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), Bernd Schwaab (European Central Bank), Gustavo Schwenkler (University of Santa Clara), Larry Wall (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta), Xin Zhang (Sveriges Riksbank).